Learning How To Present Better From Others

Learn How To Present Better Using Advice From Others
Learn How To Present Better Using Advice From Others

Although giving presentations is only one way that we communicate, we sure seem to do a lot of them. We’ve talked about how to create great presentations that work. Additionally, there are many talented folks out there who have spent a lot of time thinking about how your slides should look so that your presentation has the greatest impact. Here are a few presentations that they have put together that (1) look beautiful, (2) tell us all how to do a better job putting together presentations:

  • Death By Powerpoint: 61 slides that talk about how to make a presentation and not to bore your audience to death. Alexei Kapterev is a Russian presentation & design consultant who has put together a great presentation that talks about how to build a presentation that includes how to add significance, structure, simplicity, and rehearsal.
  • Enhancing Visual Effects In PowerPoint: 76 slides that provide a brief guide to some visual effects for Presentations using PowerPoint. Lots of good info about using matching colors, adding color to your text, composition (the rule of thirds), reflections, etc.
  • Brain Rules For Presenters: 131 slides based on 3 of Dr. Medina’s book “Brain Rules”. The points covered are fairly basic; however, we all need to be reminded of them over and over again. The presentation itself looks fantastic.

The web has a lot more helpful information; however, remember you are the one who knows your audience the best. Simply taking the time to understand what they are looking for will help you to create the presentation with the most lasting impact.


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