Time, Time, Your Next Speech Is All About Time

You only have a limited amount of time to give your next speech

As we are putting together our next speech, we may get caught up in the moment and the importance of public speaking. We have so many great things that we want to share with our audience that we we keep adding more and more content to our speech in order to make sure that we … Read more

Speakers Can Get More Time Just By Taking Control

As a speaker, because of the importance of public speaking we would all like to be in charge of our time. We’d like to be the one who controls how long we stay on the stage – not someone else. However, this is not the case – somebody invited us to speak and they are … Read more

Speakers Need To Understand That How You Say It Is As Important As What You Say

The time that you’ve been allocated in which to deliver your next speech is limited despite the fact that we all know about the importance of public speaking. What this means for you is that you are going to have to make each word that you say count – you don’t have time to waste … Read more