How To Become A Better Speaker

I’m pretty sure that we’d all like to find ways to become a better speaker. It turns out that this speaking stuff is actually quite hard to do. Sure, we practice creating the best speech that we can, we stand in front of a mirror for hours rehearsing how we’re going to deliver our speech, … Read more

How To Become A Professional Speaker

After you’ve been giving speeches for a while and you understand the importance of public speaking, you may run into someone who tells you that you are really good. In fact, they may say that instead of just speaking for free, you really should go pro. Just like all of those famous professional speakers out … Read more

How Speakers Can Avoid Plagiarism

When you are creating a speech, how do you go about coming up with what you want to say? If you are like most of us, you spend some time looking things up, you might consult a book or two, and then you get busy writing your speech. However, this is where things can start … Read more