What Transformers 3 Taught Me About Giving Speeches

A little while back I went out to the movie theater and saw the movie “Transformers 3: Dark Of The Moon”. If you are hoping for a movie review, I’m afraid that I’m going to end up disappointing you. However, it turns out that this movie has a lot of lessons for speakers if you … Read more

Tap Into The Power Of Observational Humor To Score Big Laughs

So we all know that humor is one of a speaker’s most powerful tools. However, just exactly how best to use this tricky beast is something that we all continue to struggle with. What we’d like to be able to do is to present our audiences with fresh humor that everyone finds funny; however, not … Read more

5 Advanced Public Speaking Practice Techniques

Are you ready to kick your speaking skills up to the next level? If you are, then do you know how to become better? If you are thinking that you need to get one of those “fancy word of the day” calendars to practice with, that’s not going to do it. In fact, the secret … Read more

Public Speaking Practice? We Don’t Need No Stinking Practice…

So what makes a speech a really good speech? Is it that you are “on fire” when you deliver it? Does your audience need to be “in the mood” to hear what you are going to tell them? Or is the magic of the words that you’ve put together that will allow you to connect … Read more

Bad Business News: A Speech That Speakers Need To Be Able To Give

Being asked to give a speech is a great honor. Being asked to give a speech that is going to deliver bad news to part or all of business is not such an honor. However, in order to be a truly good speaker, this is exactly the type of speech that you need to be … Read more

Tough Tasks: How To Present To Children

Getting up in front of an audience to give a speech can be a nerve racking experience. If most of the members of that audience are under the age of 10, it can be downright terrifying. There’s no reason to fear the younger set, you just need to adjust both your speech and how you … Read more

Real Life Speaking Lessons: Learning From A Keynote

We can talk about how to give better speeches until we’re blue in the face, but in the end it’s what we see that will really change how we give speeches. With that thought in mind I’d like to share with you a critique of a keynote speech that I had a chance to see … Read more

This Is Why Your Audience Isn’t Paying Attention To You…

Ever get the feeling that your audience just isn’t listening to what you are telling them? I mean sure, they seem to be with you at the start of your speech and then they seem to show up once again at the end, but how’s that middle part going for you? Researchers have studied what’s … Read more