Using Humor To Educate Your Audience
Speakers who want to educate their audience should consider using humor in their speech to make sure that their audience remembers them
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
Speakers who want to educate their audience should consider using humor in their speech to make sure that their audience remembers them
Speakers who want to do a better job of connecting with their audience need to study stand-up comedians and work their techniques into their next speech
As speakers we all know that if we add humor to our speech, we can get our audience to laugh. With a little luck this means that they are not sleeping and we’ll be able to keep their attention. Something that we probably don’t spend enough time thinking about is the simple fact that when … Read more
So can we take just a moment and talk about being funny? It sure seems like some speakers have no problem getting their audience to laugh. They take the stage, they open their mouth, and almost instantly everyone is giggling and laughing. Then there are the rest of us. Clearly they understand the importance of … Read more