How To Get Your Audience To Like You

What’s the best way to judge if a speech that you’ve given was a success? I think that we could all agree that you’d have to talk to your audience. What you are going to want to find out from them is how they feel about you after your speech is over. Were you able … Read more

How To Be A Great Speaker In The Digital Age

Welcome to the digital age! I’m pretty sure that by now just about all of us have one of those fancy smartphones in our pocket or purse. The world around us has definably changed and as speakers, we need to change with it. When I’m working with speakers who are just starting out, I’m always … Read more

Missed Opportunities In Public Speaking

Every time that we give a speech we need to realize the importance of public speaking and that we have an opportunity to become a better speaker. However, if we don’t take the time to study how our speech goes or how our audience reacts to what we are telling them, then we run the … Read more