One of the most challenging types of speeches that any of us will ever give is the speech in which we try to change the behavior of our audience. The audience already has a way of doing things and we are hoping that by attending our speech, we’ll be able to convince them to change their ways. In order to make this happen, we’ve got to do our homework. We are going to have to present to our audience an “alternate reality” in which their lives would become better if they followed our advice. This is not an easy thing to do. Let’s take a look at how we could create a speech in which we would show our audience how they could ride a motorcycle safely…
Every year, there are more than 80,000 people injured in motorcycle accidents. There are also more than 5,000 people killed in them.
The good news is that both of these numbers are on the decline, despite the fact that there are more Americans riding around on motorcycles than ever before. But the bad news is that riding a motorcycle is still an inherently risky thing to do.
Whether you’ve owned a motorcycle for a long time now or are planning on buying one soon, you should make sure you know how to ride a motorcycle safely at all times. It could prevent you from being involved in a bad motorcycle accident.
Take a look at some tips that will help keep you safe on your motorcycle.
Take Motorcycle Safety Training Classes
When people decide to buy a motorcycle, one of the first things they’ll do is enroll in a motorcycle safety training class. It gives them the opportunity to learn how to ride a motorcycle safely right from the start.
But it’s worth noting that these classes are not just for beginners. It’s a good idea for everyone who rides around on a motorcycle on a regular basis to take motorcycle safety training classes from time to time.
You can find out new and innovative ways to keep yourself safe on your bike and avoid having to ask the question, “What do I do if injured in a motorcycle accident?“, anytime soon.
Always Wear a Motorcycle Helmet
Believe it or not, only 19 U.S. states require all motorcycle riders to wear motorcycle helmets when they’re out on the road.
In some states, like Illinois and New Hampshire, there aren’t any laws regarding motorcycle helmets on the books. In others, those over a certain age can get away with riding a motorcycle without a helmet if they choose to do it.
It might not be illegal to ride a motorcycle without a helmet in your state—but that doesn’t mean you should do it! By putting a Department of Transportation approved helmet on your head, you’ll automatically make yourself safer on your motorcycle.
Wear Other Protective Gear, Too
A helmet isn’t the only piece of safety equipment that you should put on when you jump on your motorcycle. There are all kinds of other protective gear that you should also wear to keep yourself safe on your bike.
For instance, you should invest in a pair of non-skid boots that will allow you to keep control of your motorcycle when you’re riding it. You should also snatch up some leather jackets and heavy-duty pants that will protect your body in the event of a crash.
Some experts even suggest putting reflective tape on any clothing that you plan to wear on your motorcycle. This tape will make it easier for others to see you when you’re on your motorcycle.
Make Sure You Follow Traffic Laws at All Times
Just because you’re riding around on a motorcycle doesn’t mean that traffic laws don’t apply to you. You should get into the habit of following the same traffic laws that you would if you were behind the wheel of a car.
Specifically, you should pay close attention to what the speed limit is on various roads and stick to it. The faster that you decide to ride your motorcycle, the longer that it’s going to take you to come to a complete stop on it. Slow down so that you don’t put yourself into a dangerous situation due to your speed.
Use Defensive Driving Techniques
It’s not always easy for those driving around in cars to see those on motorcycles. You shouldn’t ever assume that the driver of a car can see you simply because you’re riding right next to them.
Utilize defensive driving techniques as often as you can and avoid putting yourself into situations where other drivers can’t see you. Do this by:
- Doing your best to stay out of your fellow drivers’ blind spots
- Always signaling in advance before making turns
- Keeping a close eye out for other vehicles that might be making turns
It’s also smart for motorcycle riders to keep the headlights on their bikes turned on whenever they’re riding around. It’ll help other drivers to see you better both during the day and at night.
Avoid Riding Your Motorcycle When You’re Tired, Drowsy, or Under the Influence
Riding around on a motorcycle requires your full attention. If you take your eyes off the road for even a second, it could result in you getting into a crash.
With this in mind, you shouldn’t ever jump on your bike when you’re tired, drowsy, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. You should always be fully capable of focusing on the road in front of you and everything going on around you when you’re on your bike.
Steer Clear of Getting Overconfident on Your Motorcycle
If you’ve been riding motorcycles for years or even decades now, it’s easy to get complacent when it comes to motorcycle safety. You might be under the impression that your experience will be more than enough to keep you safe.
But the truth is that anyone can be involved in a motorcycle accident. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been riding a bike for a week, a year, a decade, or half a century. You still need to be extra careful each and every time you get on your motorcycle.
Learning How to Ride a Motorcycle Safely Is Important
If you’re ever involved in a motorcycle accident, there’s a good chance that you’ll suffer at least a few injuries during it. It’s why you should make learning how to ride a motorcycle safely one of your top priorities.
Use the safety tips found here to get started, and brush up on the tips every so often to remind yourself of the importance of motorcycle safety. It’ll keep you and those around you safer when you’re out on the road.