Can We Use Songs In Our Speeches?
The next time that you create a speech, consider working a song into it in order to capture your audience’s attention and present them with something different
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
The next time that you create a speech, consider working a song into it in order to capture your audience’s attention and present them with something different
When a speaker is giving a speech they will want to make effective use of gestures in order to invite their audience into their speech
Loyal readers & subscribers, here’s hoping that this upcoming week is a great week for you — I’m taking it off! Blogging will resume next week… For my readers in the U.S., you know that this week is all about family, fireworks and general celebrating. The cause for all of this celebration is the signing … Read more
When we give a speech we want our enthusiasm to be visible to our audience and so we need to do things to let it show
Speakers who want to become effective online leaders need to understand that there is more than speaking that they have to do
When speakers are considering using software to create supporting material for a speech, they might want to consider using Prezi
In the U.S. it’s the week of the Memorial Day holiday (on Monday). Since a lot of you will be making the most of this 3-day weekend, I’m going to join you and take the week off. Enjoy your holiday and we’ll pick our discussions up again next week, same place, same time! – Dr. … Read more
Speakers who want to add humor to their next speech should use a humor checklist to make sure that they’ll get the laughs that they are looking for
Speakers who want to make their next speech be even funnier can learn to add pauses with their words to make the humor have more punch
Taking the time to develop public speaking skills can serve us in a number of different situations that can pop up at any time