How Can Scientists Give Good Speeches?
Scientists need to learn how to give speeches so that they can share their technical data and earn promotions
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Scientists need to learn how to give speeches so that they can share their technical data and earn promotions
When we give a speech, one of our goals for giving the speech is to find a way to use the importance of public speaking to convince our audience about something. In order to sway their opinion, we often go looking for data that will support the point that we are trying to make. Although … Read more
Don’t get me wrong – data is a wonderful thing. However, as speakers we need to be very careful when we encounter data that we want to share with our audience. It can be too easy to just back the truck up and dump a lot of facts and figures onto our audience with the … Read more
We would all like our next presentation to be our best. However, when we’ve got lots and lots of data to present, we can all too easily overwhelm our audience. What’s a presenter to do? It turns out that the good folks over at IBM have come up with a way to help us out … Read more