Presenting A Speech In A Second Language
Speakers who know more than one language and who can give a speech in a second language need to prepare the speech carefully thinking about their audience
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Speakers who know more than one language and who can give a speech in a second language need to prepare the speech carefully thinking about their audience
Speakers who will be presenting to an international audience may need to work with an interpreter in order to make sure that their message can be delivered
Speakers who are asked to speak to a diverse audience need to take the time to learn about their audience and their language in order to be able to connect
As speakers we spend a great deal of time worrying about the importance of public speaking and what we are going to be saying the next time that we give a speech. We think about our topic. We mull over the words that we’ll use. Finally, we lay out the sequence that we want to … Read more
As speakers we all understand just how tricky humor can be to deal with. If we want to make things just a little bit more tricky, we can introduce the challenge of trying to deliver a speech to people who belong to a different culture than we do and all of a sudden the whole … Read more
So when you sit down to put a speech together, what language do you use? I’m not talking about English vs Spanish vs French here. Rather, I’m talking about the use of slang. You know what I’m talking about, slang is a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as … Read more
They say that the world is getting smaller. I tend to believe that they are correct. However, there are still a lot of differences between here and there. When it comes to giving speeches, what this means is that there is a very good chance that at some point in the future you are going … Read more
As speakers, we want to make our audiences laugh. The trick is to find ways to get them to use their listening skills and to make them really laugh – a wry smile just isn’t going to do it. In order to make this happen, we need to have the skills that it takes to … Read more
As speakers, we want to make our audiences laugh. The trick is to find ways to get them to use their listening skills and to make them really laugh – a wry smile just isn’t going to do it. In order to make this happen, we need to have the skills that it takes to … Read more