Does Humor Have A Place In A Business Speech?
Speakers can add humor to their business speeches in order to connect with their audience and have their message remembered
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
Speakers can add humor to their business speeches in order to connect with their audience and have their message remembered
The world that we live in continues to change all around us. As speakers, what this means is that more and more often when we are asked to deliver a speech there is a good chance that our audience may not be sitting in front of us. Instead, they may be remotely located. When we … Read more
Apprehension is a big word that we use when we are trying to communicate the fact that we are scared to do something. Public speaking is not something that comes naturally to most of us and so to say that we feel some level of apprehension when it comes time to stand in front of … Read more
Every speech that we give comes with its own set of goals. Sometimes we’re trying to convince an audience of something, sometimes we want to make them laugh, perhaps we just want to tell a great story and have them share it with us. No matter what your specific goal for a speech is, every … Read more