Killing Time Until YOU Run The World — How To Use Quotes In Your Next Speech

Man, once you are in charge, things are going to be different around here! Specifically, you won’t have to work so hard to convince your audience that they should see things your way. However, until that day arrives, perhaps it would be worth our time to take a look at a few ways to persuade … Read more

We’ve Moved (But You Shouldn’t Care)

Over the weekend I moved “Communication Skills For Technical Staff” blog from its comfortable home at Google’s Blogger to a brand new home at a self-hosted WordPress site called, Those of you with sharp eyes may have also noticed another small change – I changed the name of the blog to “The Accidental Communicator“. … Read more

Psst: Four More Great Communicators Want To Talk To You

If your heart is beating fast, your palms are getting sweaty, and your stomach is not feeling so good, then perhaps you’ve been asked to give a presentation. Maybe you are normally quite calm and easy going when giving presentations; however, this time around the stakes are just a little bit higher (is the CIO/CEO … Read more

Even More Secrets From The Great Communicators

The next time that you are provided with the “opportunity” to deliver a presentation, make sure that you get some advice on how to give a fantastic presentation from today’s great business communicators. If you don’t have the time (or cash) to fly back and forth between the East and West coasts in order to … Read more

You Have Much To Learn Grasshopper: What The Great Communicators Can Teach Us

What would Jack Welch tell you to do in your next presentation?

So you’ve been picked to give a presentation at the next team/department/company gathering. You sit down with a blank computer screen, bring up PowerPoint and as you stare at that blank slide you can almost see your career going into a tailspin and hurtling towards a flaming crash. Great, now what do you do? Why … Read more