Know What To Say When The Spotlight Is On You

When it's your turn, you need to be ready to speak

Who doesn’t like winning an award? We all do. When we receive an award, it’s because we did something special or we have done something better than anyone else has. These are great moments for us. When we get an award, we are often asked to stand up and say a few words. Oh, oh … Read more

How A Speaker Should Accept An Award

There is a right way and a wrong way to accept an award

We all like to to be recognized for our accomplishments. What this means is that when we have done something that is memorable, people like to give us awards to celebrate our accomplishments. These are fantastic times – in front of our coworkers, peers, and potentially even our family members and friends, we get to … Read more

How To Grow Your Speaking Abilities

As speakers we all start out the same: we get asked to give our first speech, we may be nervous but somehow we summon up the strength to get up there in front of everyone and actually give a speech! Now that that is over, we’d like to get better at this speech giving thing … Read more

Speakers Need To Be Ready When They Win An Award

As speakers we prepare and practice for all kinds of speaking situations: equipment failures, hecklers, unforeseen events, etc. We are all working all the time to become as good as Tony Robbins is. However, where I see more and more speakers screwing up is the one place where it should be easy for them to … Read more