Acting Lessons Help Us To Become Better Public Speakers

As public speakers, it can be very easy for us to become nervous or upset about our next speech despite our understanding of the importance of public speaking. This can happen at any time, even to experienced speakers. The big question is what can we do about it? It turns out that one solution has … Read more

Act Up Or Sit Down!

When I come to hear you speak, no matter if it’s at a departmental project status report or at a local restaurant or even if it was at a convention, the worst thing that you can do is to waste my time. What are you going to do about this? Why So Many Speakers Suck … Read more

Why Don’t You Act Like A Presenter During Your Presentation?

Previously we had discussed the fact that any presentation that you give is really sort of like a one person show – if you know how to act, then you’ll be more effective. The challenge, of course, is that very few of us have been trained to be an actor. Additionally, we tend to think … Read more

Are You Acting Like A Presenter?

When you are asked to deliver a presentation, one way of looking at this request is that you are actually being asked to put on a one-person show. No matter if you are presenting at a college graduation or are simply reviewing last quarter’s sales figures, you are an actor who is there to put … Read more