Picking What You Will Talk About

Here’s how to brainstorm for your next speech topic

I’d like to be able to tell you that every time that you get asked to give a speech, you’ll be told what the people running the show want you to talk about. However, as is the case with all such things in real life, it never seems to work out this way. Instead, somebody … Read more

How You Can Become More Creative When You Create Speeches

The next time that I create a speech, because I know about the importance of public speaking, I want it to be the best speech that I’ve ever made. In order for this to happen, I’m going to have to be creative. This is where a bit of a challenge comes in – I’m not … Read more

How To Train Your Brain To Create Great Speeches

Oh the thrill of being asked to give a speech! You come home all a twitter, thinking about the great things that you are planning on sharing with this audience. You can almost see them now, you’ve just finished your speech and because of the importance of public speaking they are standing up and clapping. … Read more

How To Make Humor Work For You In Your Next Speech

The good news is that you’ve been asked to give a speech (trust me on this one, it is good news). The bad news is that the topic that you’ll be talking about is dreadfully boring. Or your audience is an audience that has the world’s shortest attention span no matter what you’ll be talking … Read more

New Techniques For Dealing With Every Speaker’s Biggest Fear: Stage Fright

We’d all like to become better public speakers. However, that’s simply not going to happen if we are too afraid to get up there and give our speech. Even if we can get on stage, no matter how good our audience’s listening skills are, we may be constantly battling our fears and it’s going to … Read more

Great Speakers Aren’t Afraid To Stumble On The Way To The Top

A quick question for you: are you afraid to fail? Would you be willing to get up and give a speech if you knew that it was going to turn out badly? Even though we all know the importance of public speaking, I’m willing to bet that a lot of us would say “no” – … Read more

The 100 Hour Secret To Creating Speeches Everyone Will Want To Hear

Have you ever gone to hear someone speak and just been blown away by what they had to say? I mean their words just seemed to flow out of them and the stories that they told were right on the mark – a perfect complement to the point that they were trying to make? It … Read more