How To Lie In Your Next Speech
In order to both capture and hold on to an audience’s attention, a speaker can add tall tales to their speech
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
In order to both capture and hold on to an audience’s attention, a speaker can add tall tales to their speech
Every time that we give a speech we can view it like being in a contest and come out a winner if we are able to provide our audience with value
Speakers who want to educate their audience should consider using humor in their speech to make sure that their audience remembers them
Speakers who want their speeches to be remembered by their audience need to learn how to incorporate pictures into their speeches
Speakers need to understand that the attitude that they deliver their speech with will have a big impact on their audience
This week in the United States we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King. Just in case you’ve forgotten who he was, he is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience. On Oct. 14, 1964, King received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through … Read more
Every speaker wants their next speech to be a successful speech. We do the things that we know that we have to do: we select a topic, write a speech, practice it, and then we end up just hoping that the importance of public speaking will make everything work out for us. However, it turns … Read more
Happy New Year! It’s still the holiday season and I’m still on vacation! This is the time of the year that we all make plans for what we want to accomplish in the upcoming year. This time around, take your time and give some thought to what you can do to make this your best … Read more
Loyal readers & subscribers, here’s hoping that this upcoming Christmas season week is a great week for you – I’m taking it off! Blogging will resume next week… Everyone seems to celebrate something different this week, but I’m hoping that no matter how you choose to spend your time you enjoy yourself. The world can … Read more