Video: Persuade An Audience Using 3 Secrets Used By Presenters

Dr. Jim Anderson investigates how a speaker can persuade an audience to take action. Dr. Anderson reveals the secrets that you can use during your next speech to get your audience to agree that there is a problem that they need to take action to fix. To get more tips and techniques for creating and … Read more

Persuade An Audience Using 3 Secrets Used By Presenters

If you think about it, there are a lot of different types of speeches that we can give: humorous, informative, motivational, and of course, ones that are designed to get your audience to start thinking a particular way. Oh yeah, this last type just may be the hardest type of speech to give… Where Do … Read more

Business Stories: Out Of Place Or On Target?

One question that I keep getting asked over and over by speakers that I am working with is if storytelling is such a powerful communication tool, then why isn’t it used more in business settings? It’s a good question, but the answer is a little bit complicated. Where Did All The Stories Go? I can’t … Read more

How To Make Your Two Minutes Count

When you speak to an audience, how long do you talk for: 60 minutes, 30 minutes, 10 minutes? Any of these are normal answers. What would you do if you only had two minutes to get your point across? In my neck of the woods, a developer wants to build a gas station at the … Read more