Humor Is Something That Can Be Learned

The best way to be funny is by not trying

Just about everyone who has ever given a speech knows that humor is a very powerful tool. If you can get your audience to laugh with you, then you will have used the importance of public speaking and grabbed their attention and they will pay attention to what you have to say. Some people seem … Read more

2 Ways To Get Your Audience To DO SOMETHING!

I must confess: I do enjoy hearing myself speak. However, when I give a speech in addition to listening to myself talk, I want to convince my audience to actually do something based on the information that I have shared with them. It’s relatively easy to give a speech; despite the importance of public speaking … Read more

Speakers Know That To Be Understand, You Need To Use Analogies

I don’t know about you, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found myself in a situation in which I needed to share some information with my audience that was too big, or too strange for them to be able to grasp it. What’s a speaker to do? I knew that if I … Read more