Are Speakers Ready For The Arrival Of New Technologies?

Will we be able to use new technologies to make more of an impact?

As speakers we need to understand the importance of public speaking and that that we are living in a constantly changing world. What this means is that how we used to give speeches is now changing and that means that we need to learn how to change with the times. A good example of what … Read more

Is It Time To Get A Speaking Mentor?

In order to get a mentor, you have to become someone they would want to work with

Every speaker eventually reaches a point where they are the best that they can be. They’ve reached a point where their skills and their knowledge can no longer take them to the next level in speaking. All too often speakers just stop here – they will never get any better. However, it does not have … Read more

Tips For Delivering A Memorable Speech

The best speeches are the ones that will be remembered for a long time

So why do you give speeches? Is it to give you a chance to hear yourself speak? I’m guessing the answer to that question is no. The reason that most of us give speeches is because we want to use the importance of public speaking to have an impact on our audience. What we really … Read more

Tips To Boost Your Confidence The Next Time You Speak

Speaking well is all about being confident

Let’s face it – giving a speech can be a nerve wracking experience. Sure, you’ve created a speech and hopefully you’ve taken the time to practice it. However, when you are up there standing in front of a room of people who are all staring at you and you are thinking about the importance of … Read more

How To Create Speeches That Will Stick With Your Audience

The reason that we give presentations is because we want to be remembered

Let’s all agree on one thing: giving a speech is not an easy thing to do! There is the planning, the writing, the practice and then the delivery. As long as we are going to be going to the effort to deliver a speech, the one thing that we all want to achieve is to … Read more

Using A Speech To Create A Lasting Moment For Your Audience

Our goal needs to be to create speeches that will have a long lasting impact

Every speech that we give is special for us, but is it special for our audience? Does the speech that we give change their lives? Do we allow them to see things differently? Will our speech use the importance of public speaking to have a lasting impact on them? If you are like me, you … Read more

Does The Title Of Your Speech Really Matter?

It turns out that having an enticing title makes your speech better

So just exactly what is a title? It is how we choose to introduce our speech to the world. This is how we go about luring an audience into wanting to hear what we have to say. However, despite just how important a part of your speech you title is, all too often speakers overlook … Read more

What Does It Take To Be A Really Funny Speaker?

In order to be really funny, a speaker has to take on the mind of an improvisor

As speakers I’m pretty sure that by now we all realize the power of humor in a speech. I know that I’ve had the opportunity to watch speakers who were able to use the importance of public speaking to make their audience laugh and laugh. When they were done, everyone came up to them and … Read more

How To Add Humor To Your Next Speech

An audience that is laughing is paying attention to what you are saying

As speakers we all know that if we add humor to our speech, we can get our audience to laugh. With a little luck this means that they are not sleeping and we’ll be able to keep their attention. Something that we probably don’t spend enough time thinking about is the simple fact that when … Read more