How To Add More Humor To Your Next Speech

Two strategies that can help you connect with your audience and make them laugh

The goal of any speech that we give is for us to find a way to connect with our audience. There are a number of different ways that we can go about doing this; however, one of the most powerful is to include humor in our speech. Humor is a tricky thing for us to … Read more

Use Humor To Connect With Your Audience

If you can connect with your audience, then you can get them to laugh

Speakers know that there is power in laughter. If we hear our audience laughing (with us) then it will provide us with a sense of confidence. Everyone likes to hear it when an audience starts to laugh after you have gotten done delivering the punchline of your joke. This is exactly what it takes to … Read more

When Giving A Speech, It’s All About First Impressions

In order to deliver a successful speech, you have to make a good first impression

As speakers, we know that if we want to give a good speech we need to take the time to prepare for it. This means that we need to create a theme for our speech, we need to create a great opening, work in some physical gestures, and include the proper amount of vocal variety. … Read more

Speakers Learn How To Deal With The Challenge Of Remote Presentations

Keeping your remote audience engaged can be a real challenge

The world that we live in continues to change all around us. As speakers, what this means is that more and more often when we are asked to deliver a speech there is a good chance that our audience may not be sitting in front of us. Instead, they may be remotely located. When we … Read more

Delivering Captivating Speeches

How to deliver a memorable presentation that your audience will remember

If there is one thing that every speaker wants, it’s to be remembered in a good way. We’ve gone to the effort to create, practice and then deliver a speech and we would like to use the importance of public speaking to ensure that there will be a lasting impact for our effort. The good … Read more

What Can You Do During A Presentation To Make Your Message Stick

When we speak, we want our audience to remember what we've told them

Giving a speech is hard work. As long as you are going to go the effort of understanding the importance of public speaking and giving a speech, you sure want your audience to remember what you have told them. That’s where things can become a bit of challenge for us as speakers. We’ll often spend … Read more

What You Need To Do Before Your Next Presentation

If you want your presentation to be memorable, you need to prepare

The next time that you are asked to make a presentation, how it goes may be based more on how well you prepared than how good of a job you did making the presentation. What this means for you is that you are going to have to take the time to use the importance of … Read more

Are You Able To Hurry Up And Speak?

Just how fast can you give a speech?

So we can all speak. However, how many of us can speak fast? I mean really fast? We all understand that when we are asked to give a speech, we are generally given an amount of time that we can use to deliver our speech. All too often, things change – the event started late, … Read more

Speakers Need To Understand Cultural Nuances In Order To Communicate

Speakers need to understand that their meaning is in how they say it

If you thought that creating and delivering a speech was tough, then you haven’t tried to deliver a speech to an international audience. It can be tough trying to use the importance of public speaking to connect with people who think like you do, trying to connect with people who may think differently is even … Read more

What’s The Best Way To Give A Remote Presentation?

Times are changing and our presentations are becoming remote presentations

Welcome to our modern world where everything seems to be changing all the time! Back in the old days, we used to be able to show up at an event that consisted of a room filled with an audience. We’d take the stage, deliver a speech, interact with our audience, and then go home and … Read more