A Complete Guide on How to Make a Great Business Card

A Complete Guide on How to Make a Great Business Card

As public speakers we all know that a good introduction can make or break a speech. It turns out that having a good introduction for ourselves when we are meeting people who might like to have us give a speech is also important. The secret to making a great first impression is to have a … Read more

The Power, And Peril, Of Using Data In A Speech

Data can be be a powerful part of a speech, but you need to be careful how you use it

When we give a speech, one of our goals for giving the speech is to find a way to use the importance of public speaking to convince our audience about something. In order to sway their opinion, we often go looking for data that will support the point that we are trying to make. Although … Read more

Challenges Technical People Face When Speaking

Technical people have to learn to leave their comfort zone when giving speeches

For some odd reason, technical people seem to have a deep set fear of speaking in pubic. Now I’m a technical person, so I feel a personal linkage to this issue. Where does this problem come from? I think that the problem originates from the fact that people who have dived into a technical field … Read more

What to Do If You're in a Motorcycle Accident

What to Do If You're in a Motorcycle Accident

Speakers often get called on to talk about life changing events that have happened to them. One very common event that we can talk about is when we have been involved in an accident. These types of speeches can be compelling and can draw a large audience. You just have to know how to to … Read more

How a Wrongful Death Suit Works: What You Should Expect

How a Wrongful Death Suit Works: What You Should Expect

As speakers we can be asked to talk about almost any topic. One interesting topic that has become a subject of many presentations over the past few years has to do with wrongful death suits and all of the details involved with them. On a yearly basis, over 250,000 deaths are reported in the U.S … Read more

What Is Bail and How Is Bail Amount Determined?

What Is Bail and How Is Bail Amount Determined

As public speakers we need to understand how to communicate in a number of different situations. If we happen to find ourselves being arrested, this could be one of the most important communication challenges that you’ll ever face. Once arrested, your goal will be to get out of jail as quickly as possible and that … Read more

How To Grab Attention And Never Let It Go

In order to grab attention you need to become more charismatic

It takes a lot of effort to create a speech. You have to write it, practice it, and eventually deliver it. As long as we are going to all of this effort and because of the importance of public speaking, it sure seems as though we should also be trying to find ways to grab … Read more

A Speaker’s Best Friend And Worst Enemy: The Microphone

A microphone is a powerful tool, but you have to know how to use it

How good of yeller are you? I mean, if you were giving a speech in a really big room that was crowded with people, could you yell your speech loud enough to make sure that even the people in the back could hear what you were saying? If you are like me, you might be … Read more

How To Tell Stories As A Part Of A Speech

When told correctly, stories can captivate an audience

As speakers, every time that we deliver a speech, we’d like to be able to use the importance of public speaking to draw our audience into our speech. We’d like to make it so that they experience what we are telling them. A great way to make this happen is to include stories in our … Read more

Speakers Need To Know When Too Much Is Too Much

Data is wonderful, but you need to learn to show, not tell when using statistics

Don’t get me wrong – data is a wonderful thing. However, as speakers we need to be very careful when we encounter data that we want to share with our audience. It can be too easy to just back the truck up and dump a lot of facts and figures onto our audience with the … Read more