When Speaking, It’s All About The Words That You Use

When it comes time to create your next speech, how many colors will you use? I’m not talking about paints, but rather words. For you see, every speech that we give is yet another opportunity to paint pictures in the minds of our audience. The supplies that you have to work with are words. Which … Read more

Create PowerPoint Slides, Go To Jail

Argh! There never seems to be enough time to pull that next presentation together. Even though we know about the importance of public speaking somehow we always seem to find ourselves rushing around way too late in the process throwing our PowerPoint or Keynote decks together. We all know that images are important and so … Read more

What Communication Strategy Will You Use In Your Next Speech?

So why are you planning on going to the effort of delivering your next speech? I mean it sure seems like a lot of effort to create the speech, practice it, and then go through the stress of actually giving it. If you want to create a message that is going to impact your audience … Read more

Should Public Speakers Use Blue Humor In Their Next Speech?

So you’ve decided that you want to maximize the importance of public speaking for your next audience and in order to move your speaking to the next level, you are going to have to find ways to work more humor into your next speech. Well congratulations, that takes a great deal of courage to do. … Read more

3 Mistakes Good Speakers Make

We’ve all heard and see the very best speakers like Tony Robbins. They know all about the importance of public speaking and they never make mistakes, right? Well, actually they do make mistakes. As speakers who are working to become better all the time, we can listen and learn from the mistakes that they make. … Read more

Book Review: “11 Deadly Presentation Sins”

I think that it’s safe to say that we’d all like to become better speakers. The big challenge that we face is just exactly how to go about making this happen. One of the biggest challenges that we face is that there seems to be so many different things that you have to do well … Read more

Just Say “No” To Bad Webinars – 5 Rules For Public Speakers To Use

Back in the day, it seemed like every speech that we gave was the same. We’d show up in a room, the audience would sit quietly in their chairs, and then we’d take the stage and wow them. If our words weren’t working, we’d be able to see it in our audience’s face and we … Read more

Public Speakers Can Learn From Lawyers

All too often we like to make fun of lawyers – from telling lawyer jokes to laughing at those very bad late night TV commercials that they run. However, if we step back for a minute, we need to realize that a key part of the job of being a lawyer is to give speeches … Read more

How Using Social Media Can Make You A Better Public Speaker

If you ask a professional speaker who knows about the importance of public speaking what the best way to become a better public speaker is, I’d be willing to bet you that they’ll tell you “practice, practice, practice”. Now, that’s all good and such, but we’re living in the 21st Century, if we don’t have … Read more

Hey Speaker – What’s Your Point?

What’s the worst thing that speaker can do when delivering a speech? Not get to the point! Your audience is left wondering just exactly why they were willing to sit there though your speech when it seems as though there was no real reason for you to give the speech. What this means is that … Read more