Video: Persuade An Audience Using 3 Secrets Used By Presenters

Dr. Jim Anderson investigates how a speaker can persuade an audience to take action. Dr. Anderson reveals the secrets that you can use during your next speech to get your audience to agree that there is a problem that they need to take action to fix. To get more tips and techniques for creating and … Read more

Persuasion Power – How To Win Over An Audience

Not all speeches are the same. Graduations, weddings, corporate pep-rally’s – those are all pretty straightforward. One of the most difficult types of speeches to give is one in which you have been brought in to convince an audience of something. As difficult as this type of speech is to give, if you can become … Read more

Persuade An Audience Using 3 Secrets Used By Presenters

If you think about it, there are a lot of different types of speeches that we can give: humorous, informative, motivational, and of course, ones that are designed to get your audience to start thinking a particular way. Oh yeah, this last type just may be the hardest type of speech to give… Where Do … Read more

Personal Information: How Much Should A Presenter Reveal?

  Have you ever sat through a dry an boring speech? Of course you have, we all have. Did you spend any time trying to figure out why the speech was so dry? I’m going to bet that at least one of the reasons is that the speaker didn’t connect with the presenter – the … Read more

How To Make Your Two Minutes Count

When you speak to an audience, how long do you talk for: 60 minutes, 30 minutes, 10 minutes? Any of these are normal answers. What would you do if you only had two minutes to get your point across? In my neck of the woods, a developer wants to build a gas station at the … Read more

Why Your Audience Wants Bad Things To Have Happened To Their Presenter

Today’s audiences are a jaded bunch. In fact, a Gallup Poll shows that just 16% of us have a favorable opinion of business executives. With all of the Wall Street failures and auto maker bailouts that are currently going on, this number will probably keep going down. What’s a presenter to do in order to … Read more

Killing Time Until YOU Run The World — How To Use Quotes In Your Next Speech

Man, once you are in charge, things are going to be different around here! Specifically, you won’t have to work so hard to convince your audience that they should see things your way. However, until that day arrives, perhaps it would be worth our time to take a look at a few ways to persuade … Read more