The 7 Law Firm Cybersecurity Tips You Need to Know

The 7 Law Firm Cybersecurity Tips You Need to Know

Security is a hot topic that many speakers are being asked to speak about. Many of us don’t know that much about this topic so when the request comes, we’ve got some homework to do. Your audience is going to be eager to hear what you have to say — the security of their computers … Read more

What’s The Best Way To Start A Speech?

Your best chance to capture an audience happens in the start of a speech

When we are creating a speech, we’ve got a lot of work to do in order to capture the importance of public speaking. There’s the opening, the middle, and the ending. Each one of these parts is important. However, we might be able to say that the opening is just a little bit more important … Read more

The Top 5 Causes of Divorce in the United States

The Top 5 Causes of Divorce in the United States

Sometimes we may be asked to give a speech on an emotionally charged topic. We need to understand that although our audience is eager to hear what we have to tell them, they may not really want to hear our message. When we find ourselves in a situation like this, we need to tread lightly. … Read more

How To Add More Flair To Your Next Speech

Every speech we give needs to be filled with a lot of flair

So why do we go to the effort of giving speeches? I think that it’s pretty safe to say that the reason that we do this is because we want to use the importance of public speaking to be remembered. We want the words that we shared with our audience to remain in their heads … Read more

No Need for Speed: How to Ride a Motorcycle Safely

No Need for Speed: How to Ride a Motorcycle Safely

One of the most challenging types of speeches that any of us will ever give is the speech in which we try to change the behavior of our audience. The audience already has a way of doing things and we are hoping that by attending our speech, we’ll be able to convince them to change … Read more