Good Speaking Is All About Having The Right Notes

If you can use smart notes, then you can maintain a good connection with your audience

Every time that you have a chance to give a speech, you want it to turn out well. You’d like to be able to walk off of the stage feeling good about the speech that you gave and because of the importance of public speaking the impact that it had on your audience. In order … Read more

How Can You Become More Persuasive In Your Next Speech?

The reason that we give a speech is to persuade an audience

So why do you even bother? Why go to all of the effort to give a speech? I mean, if you agree to give a speech you are really signing yourself up to pick a topic, do the research needed, write the speech, practice the speech, and then finally go to the effort of actually … Read more

What Does Humor Look Like In A Speech?

Speakers need to remember that jokes can take many different forms

Speakers understand that if they really want to connect with their audience, they need to find ways to make them laugh during their speech. By doing this, a connection between the speaker and the audience will be created and this will open your audience up to hearing what you are trying to tell them and … Read more

Humor Is Something That Can Be Learned

The best way to be funny is by not trying

Just about everyone who has ever given a speech knows that humor is a very powerful tool. If you can get your audience to laugh with you, then you will have used the importance of public speaking and grabbed their attention and they will pay attention to what you have to say. Some people seem … Read more

Picking What You Will Talk About

Here’s how to brainstorm for your next speech topic

I’d like to be able to tell you that every time that you get asked to give a speech, you’ll be told what the people running the show want you to talk about. However, as is the case with all such things in real life, it never seems to work out this way. Instead, somebody … Read more