Good Speaking Is All About Having The Right Notes

If you can use smart notes, then you can maintain a good connection with your audience

Every time that you have a chance to give a speech, you want it to turn out well. You’d like to be able to walk off of the stage feeling good about the speech that you gave and because of the importance of public speaking the impact that it had on your audience. In order … Read more

Use The Power Of The Triangle To Create Your Next Speech

Use the triangle structuring technique to shape your next speech

What will the goal of your next speech be? If you are like most of us, you understand the importance of public speaking and you’ll want to grab your audience’s attention at the start of your speech and then find a way to hold on to it throughout the rest of your speech. Although this … Read more

Problems With Modern Speeches

When we talk about giving speeches, we spend a lot of our time talking about how we can become better because we understand the importance of public speaking. We look at things like body language, what words we use, and how we go about building the speeches that we give. However, one thing that we … Read more

Grab Your Audience From The Beginning

So what makes a speech a good speech? I think that we can all agree that one of the most important things that we need to be able to do is both capture and hold on to our audience’s attention in order to show them the importance of public speaking. Although this may sound like … Read more

How To Get Your Audience To Like You

What’s the best way to judge if a speech that you’ve given was a success? I think that we could all agree that you’d have to talk to your audience. What you are going to want to find out from them is how they feel about you after your speech is over. Were you able … Read more

Get Your Audience’s Attention By Bragging, Just Don’t Be A Jerk About It

As a speaker, we have an obligation when we are starting our speech to find a way to use the importance of public speaking to capture our audience’s attention. What we need to do is to convince them that what we are about to tell them is actually important enough for them to spend the … Read more

What Is The Key To Connecting With Your Audience?

When we want to get our message across to one of our friends, how do we make this happen? That’s a simple question to answer: we have a conversation with them. Conversations are simple, natural things for all of us to have and they allow us to convey the importance of public speaking. However, for … Read more

3 Secrets For Connecting With Your Next Audience

We don’t just give a speech for the fun of it – there is always a reason for it. Creating, practicing, and then delivering a speech is hard work and the reason that we’re willing to do all of this work is because we believe in the importance of public speaking and truly think that … Read more

Every Speech That You Give Is About Selling

Did you know that you work in sales? It turns out that if you are giving speeches, you do. For you see, in every speech that you give you are trying to sell something. It may not be a used car or a dishwasher, but it certainly is an idea or a way of looking … Read more