The Problem With Allowing Fake News Into Your Speech

Fake news can make your whole speech fake

Fake news can make your whole speech fakeImage Credit: Scott The reason that an audience will come to listen to what you have to say in your next speech is that they understand the importance of public speaking and they hope to learn something new. The thinking is that you have had an experience, done … Read more

The Art Of Correctly Researching A Speech

When you are creating a speech, where does your content come from? I’ll go along with the thought that a lot of it comes from you – your views on the world, your experiences, your hopes and dreams. However, what about all of the other stuff? The parts of your speech that support all of … Read more

4 Rules For Making Your Next Speech Funny

The goal of any speech that we give is to connect with our audience. That’s what the importance of public speaking is all about. In order to make this happen, we need to find a way to shake them out of their everyday life and cause them to wake up and listen to what we … Read more