Using The Power Of Pain To Bring Humor To Your Next Speech

Just how many of us actually look forward to business presentations? I’d be willing to bet just about none of us. The reason that this type of presentation is so almost universally avoided despite the importance of public speaking is because they are just flat out boring. Nobody ever spends much time preparing for these … Read more

When It Comes To Making Your Speech Funny, Seconds Count…

With a little luck, we can all agree that adding some humor to your next speech will only make that speech that much better. However, one of the big unanswered questions is given the importance of public speaking just exactly where you should add your humor: at the beginning, in the middle, or at the … Read more

The Art Of Matching Your Speech Title To Your Speech

If you are like most of us, the next time that you are asked to give a speech, because of the importance of public speaking you’ll probably spend a considerable amount of time working on the speech. You’ll consider your audience, pick your words, and attempt to craft a speech that will capture their attention … Read more

The 3 Jobs Of A Good Speech Title

Potentially before you even get up before your next audience, despite the importance of public speaking, they will have made up their minds as to if they want to spend any time listening to what you have to say. I know that this sounds dreadfully unfair; however, that’s just the way that life is. Your … Read more

How To Tell A Political Story

If you are like me, you don’t really seek out politicians to add to your list of friends. However, whenever an issue comes up that we really care about, all of a sudden we have a habit of becoming very, very interested in politics. As speakers, we need to realize that politicians are also speakers … Read more

2 Ways To Get Your Audience To DO SOMETHING!

I must confess: I do enjoy hearing myself speak. However, when I give a speech in addition to listening to myself talk, I want to convince my audience to actually do something based on the information that I have shared with them. It’s relatively easy to give a speech; despite the importance of public speaking … Read more

The 3 “Ps” Of How To Persuade Your Next Audience

As a speaker you have ideas that you want to share with your next audience – this is what the importance of public speaking is all about. Your reason for wanting to do this is because you want to influence them. You want to plant new ideas in their heads, change the way that they … Read more