How To Use An Elevator Pitch To Start Your Next Speech

For years and years folks in sales and people who are looking for a job have been reminded of the importance of public speaking and told to master their “elevator pitch”. This pitch is a set of one or two short pre-scripted sentences that tell someone who you are and what you do. When you … Read more

How Writers Can Become Better Speakers

Due to the importance of public speaking, those of us who do a lot of writing often get called on to give speeches. Having the skill to put words down on paper is a great skill to have. However, it does not necessarily mean that we have the skills that are needed in order to … Read more

How You Write Determines How You Speak

As public speakers, because we know about the importance of public speaking, we are always looking for ways to become better speakers. We can watch other speakers, read books on public speaking, or take courses. It turns out that there is a simple skill that we already have that if we take the time to … Read more

Speakers Can Get More Time Just By Taking Control

As a speaker, because of the importance of public speaking we would all like to be in charge of our time. We’d like to be the one who controls how long we stay on the stage – not someone else. However, this is not the case – somebody invited us to speak and they are … Read more

Real World Speaking Challenges: Things You Can’t Control

As speakers, we know about the importance of public speaking and would like every speech that we give to be perfect! We want to deliver a great speech in a fantastic setting to a receptive audience. How hard could that be? Well, it turns out that it can be quite difficult! I recently had a … Read more

Public Speakers Need To Know How To Master Time

Time is a funny thing. Before we start to deliver a speech, it can seem as though we have all of the time in the world – how ever are we going to fill up the time that we’ve been given to deliver our speech in? However, once we take the stage or step into … Read more

Building A Keynote Speech From The Ground Up

I’m not really sure if it is the most difficult type of speech to give, but the keynote speech is where we seem to be in the spotlight for the longest time and provides us with our best opportunity to show off the importance of public speaking. Our audience has high expectations for what we’ll … Read more

Webinar Secrets You Won’t Learn Anywhere Else

Webinars have opened a new door for public speakers. It used to be that in order to reach a group of people with our message and share with them the importance of public speaking, we had to get in our cars and drive (and perhaps fly) to where the audience was. Once there, there was … Read more