Three Pieces Make A Whole: The Art Of Creating A Speech That Works

When we are asked to give a speech, generally speaking our hearts start to beat just a little bit faster. We’re excited about being asked to share information that we know, and yet at the same time we dread the effort that is going to go into getting ready to give that speech because we … Read more

Designing The Perfect Speech

Hmm, “the perfect speech”, so just exactly what would that be? First off, it would be a speech that we would feel confident in giving – we’d take the stage and because of the importance of public speaking we would confidently tell our speech without ever losing our way. Our audience would be hanging on … Read more

When It Comes To Making Your Speech Funny, Seconds Count…

With a little luck, we can all agree that adding some humor to your next speech will only make that speech that much better. However, one of the big unanswered questions is given the importance of public speaking just exactly where you should add your humor: at the beginning, in the middle, or at the … Read more

How Public Speakers Can Give Longer Speeches

When we are first becoming speakers we spend our time trying to master the short speech. It might be a quick presentation during a meeting, an address to a group of workers, or even an executive briefing. This is how we first harness the benefits of public speaking. No matter what the setting is, the … Read more

3 Tips To Transform Your Next Speech Into An Experience For Your Audience

The great thing about public speaking is that just about everything that we are trying to do has been done before. When you get ready to give your next speech, listen to the voice of experience from other more accomplished speakers and use their guidance to transform your speech into a true experience for your … Read more

Hello – Just Exactly Who Are You?

Got any thoughts on how you would like to start your next speech? What words of wisdom will you use to start your speech in a way that will capture the hearts and minds of your audience from the get-go and cause them to use their listening skills to really hear what you have to … Read more

The 2 Most Important Things That A Public Speaker Needs To Do When The Curtain Goes Up

One of the questions that public speakers have been debating since the beginning of time is “what is the most important part of a speech?” There are really only three possibilities: the beginning, the middle, or the end. I’m here to solve this question once and for all: it’s the beginning and I’m going to … Read more