Using The Power Of The Camera To Become A Better Speaker

Speakers can use a video recording to discover things that nobody else will tell them

As speakers, the one thing that all of us want to do is to become better. We may go about doing this in a number of different ways. We may take courses. We may watch videos of other speakers. We may have our friends listen to our speeches and then provide us with feedback. However … Read more

Speakers Have To Understand The Speaking & Listening Link

The way that you speak affects how your audience listens

As speakers we spend a great deal of time worrying about the importance of public speaking and what we are going to be saying the next time that we give a speech. We think about our topic. We mull over the words that we’ll use. Finally, we lay out the sequence that we want to … Read more

Using Words To Connect With Your Audience

If you want to connect with your audience, you'll need to learn how to use words

As speakers we often get a chance to hear other speakers present. Sometimes we’ll be memorized when a speaker puts on a show that captivates their audience. They are able to deliver a powerful speech for a number of reasons. Perhaps they have mastered the art of using body language. Maybe they used props that … Read more

Tips to Enhance your Presentation Skills

Tips to Enhance your Presentation Skills

We all should be looking at improving aspects of our personality, especially those that benefit our career by boosting performance and as we gain hands-on experience, we gradually develop essential business skills that will empower us in the future. If you recall the very first time you had to present something to a group of … Read more

Tips for Working with a Translator

Working through a translator can be either a frustrating or enjoyable experience. Many factors can affect the experience and the effectiveness of your communication. So, a good translator is worth their weight in gold. They can work wonders, navigate cultural minefields, and deliver your message entertainingly and enjoyably for the audience. However, as good as … Read more

5 Great Career Opportunities in This Digital Age

5 Great Career Opportunities in This Digital Age

If you are about to finish your education, your thoughts will no doubt turn to career opportunities and this is an exciting time to be entering the employment market. Of course, it is important to choose a career that you enjoy, after all, you will be spending your entire working life in your chosen field, … Read more

Using Rhetorical Devices To Make A Speech Better

Speakers can use rhetorical devices to create better speeches

When we give a speech, we really only have one main tool that we can use to communicate the importance of public speaking: our words. Our goal is to capture and hold the attention of our audience; however, sometimes this can appear to be very challenging because all we have to work with are words. … Read more

What’s The Right Way To Practice Giving A Speech?

We need to find ways to make our speech practice productive

With a little luck, I think that we all understand the before we give our next speech we need to do some practice. I mean, you’ve put in the time to create your speech, you’ve probably jotted down some notes, now it’s time to give it a run through in order to make sure that … Read more

Make Your Next Speech Memorable By Bringing Characters To Life

Adding conversations to you speech will draw in your audience

The goal of any speech that we give is for us to find a way to connect with our audience. If we can do this, then we’ll be able to clearly communicate our message to them. An interesting question for you is if you were in your audience listening to yourself speak, would you rather … Read more

How To Get Over Your Fear Of Public Speaking

It is possible to overcome your fear of speaking in public

Let’s face it – fear is real. Most of us can easily experience fear just by thinking about getting up in front of a group of people and trying to give a speech. Our blood turns cold, we start to sweat, and our knees may even start to knock. This is not something that we … Read more