3 Ways To Become A Strong Speaker

I’m sure that we’d all like to be a strong, confident speaker. The big question that we all face is just exactly how can we go about getting from where we are today to becoming the strong speaker that we’d all like to become? Nope, there’s no magic pill that will make this happen; however, … Read more

How Public Speakers Can Master Virtual Presentations

Welcome to the 21st Century! In the past, we always stood in front of real, live people when we gave a presentation and we all knew how to do that. Now everything seems to have changed and with the arrival of both powerful laptops and high-speed Internet connections, we are now being asked to conduct … Read more

Speakers Need To Understand That How You Say It Is As Important As What You Say

The time that you’ve been allocated in which to deliver your next speech is limited despite the fact that we all know about the importance of public speaking. What this means for you is that you are going to have to make each word that you say count – you don’t have time to waste … Read more

3 Ways Twitter Can Make Your Next Speech Even Better

All too often when we are starting out a speech we’ll ask our audience to put away their cell phones so that they can pay attention to us. We believe in the importance of public speaking and so we don’t want our audience to be distracted by Facebook and Twitter, we want them to be … Read more

3 Ways To Keep A Distracted Audience’s Attention

A really good jamming device. That’s what most speakers would like to bring to their next speech. That way their audience couldn’t forget about the importance of public speaking and instead spend their time texting and tweeting instead of listening to them. However, we do live in the 21st Century and so distractions are almost … Read more

Panel Session Checklist

I don’t know about you, but my life is ruled by checklists. What this means is that once I’ve done something once and figured out the steps that are involved in doing it, I’ll make a checklist so that the next time that I do it I won’t forget anything. As speakers there are times … Read more

What Public Speakers Need To Know About Job Opportunities In The Federal Sector

https://youtube.com/watch?v=0w2xzY74Nj0 One of the responsibilities that we have as public speakers is to share information with others about where they can find good jobs — jobs that require speaking skills and others. As kids go back to college this fall, it’s the perfect time to open their eyes to the job opportunities in the federal … Read more