Panel Sessions: 3 Ways To Keep Them On Track

Public speaking takes on many different forms. One of the most challenging types of public speaking that we may be called on is to manage a panel session. Panel sessions are a great way to get experts on some topic together in a single place so that they can share their different views on a … Read more

A 9 Step Cheatsheet for Becoming a Public Speaking Expert

Cheatsheet for Becoming a Public Speaking Expert Infographic
Cheatsheet for Becoming a Public Speaking Expert Infographic


Joe Shervell heads an infographic design team that is based in London. One of the things that he does quite well is to take a lot of information and transform it into an easy to understand image. His latest creation has to do with the skills that we all need in order to become better public speakers.

Joe has boiled down content that he’s collected from dozens of books and blog posts, as well as tips from professional public speakers. I personally think that he’s done a great job — his infographic provides a one-stop-shop to consult the next time that you are asked to create a speech.

Check out what Joe has created here: (or check it out online at

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Panel Sessions: 3 Ways To Make Them Successful Before They Start

Public speaking takes on many different forms. One of the most challenging types of public speaking that we may be called on is to manage a panel session. Panel sessions are a great way to get experts on some topic together in a single place so that they can share their different views on a … Read more

The Secret To Delivering A Great Speech: Keep It Simple!

Let’s face it, creating and delivering a memorable speech requires a great deal of effort. It sure seems as though if we’re going to take the time to do this, we may as well try to make the greatest impact possible. Although you may have read books or seen people talking about how to give … Read more

What Music Can Teach Public Speakers About Connecting With Audiences

What came first: music or the spoken word? I’d say that it would be tough call but they probably both showed up at about the same time. What this means is that we’ve been living with music for at least as long as we’ve been talking. We all know about the importance of public speaking, … Read more

How To Use PowerPoint To Create Intrigue In Your Next Presentation

One of the challenges of any presentation is that we want to be able to both capture and hold our audience’s attention while we are speaking. If your speech is 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or even longer this can be a real challenge. The good news is that your PowerPoint (or Keynote) slides can help … Read more

6 Tips For Making PowerPoint Work With Your Next Speech, Not Against It

How many times have you been asked to give a speech and the way that you got ready for it was to sit down and create a whole bunch of PowerPoint (or Keynote) slides? Yep, I’ve done the same thing. Hopefully we all know that a speech is really so much more than just a … Read more

5 Ways To Create A Speech To Sell Something

Aren’t all of our speeches about trying to make the world a better place? Because of the importance of public speaking, isn’t our #1 goal just to share the information that we have with our audience? Well, no. More often than not, when we give a speech what we are really trying to do is … Read more

Lessons From Aristotle On How To Create A Persuasive Speech

Almost every speech that we give has one goal in mind: trying to convince our audience about something. In order to accomplish that, we’ve got to find ways to work persuasion into our next speech. It turns out that exactly how to do this was laid out for us some 2,000 years ago by Aristotle. … Read more