Can Repeating Yourself Make Your Next Speech Better?

Does what you are saying bear repeating?

So why do we give speeches? In all honesty, there are probably a bunch of different reasons. These reasons can range from trying to use the importance of public speaking to provide our audience with new information that they don’t have to trying to win them over to our way of thinking. No matter why … Read more

How To Host A Panel Session That Won’t Put Your Audience To Sleep

Your panel sessions have to be interesting or else...

The next time that you are asked to host a panel session, are you going to be ready? We all understand the importance of public speaking and as speakers what we need to do in order to both grab and then keep the attention of our audience. However, with a panel session, even if you … Read more

When Building A Speech, Choose Strong Nouns And Verbs

Your next speech will only be as good as the words that you choose

So let’s spend a moment or two thinking about the next speech that you will be giving. You are going to be sitting down to create a speech and all that you are going to have to work with will be words to convey the importance of public speaking. What this means for you is … Read more

The Importance Of Creating Modular Speeches

Things change and so you need to have speech modules

As a speaker, we control the world when we are on a stage. Unless there is somebody with a big hook waiting for us offstage, while we are speaking time stands still and our audience only has ears for us as we share the importance of public speaking. However, the biggest problem that we all … Read more

What Do You Do When You Are The Emcee?

What do you need to do when you are running the show?

As public speakers, we are not always called on to give a speech. Sometimes, because of our public speaking skills and the importance of public speaking, we’ll be called on to run an event where other people will be speaking. In these cases we’ll be playing the role of the master of ceremonies or an … Read more

Working More Of You Into Your Next Speech

You can be so familiar to yourself that you become invisible

You can be so familiar to yourself that you become invisibleImage Credit: Teeejayy As speakers we’d all like to be able to give speeches that captivate and interest our audiences – that’s what the importance of public speaking is all about. However, the challenge that we have every time that we sit down to write … Read more

How A Speaker Can Moderate A Panel Discussion

A panel discussion is all about finding a way to exchange ideas

For some odd and strange reason, people seem to think that just because we can do a good job of giving a speech we’d also be able to moderate a panel discussion. You know what I’m talking about: one of those events where you get a group of people up on a stage and have … Read more

Your New Year’s Resolution: Subscribe To The Accidental Communicator Newsletter!

Yet another New Year is almost here! What is your plan for becoming a better public speaker this year? Clearly you are already reading The Accidental Communicator blog and so that’s a step in the right direction! However, there’s one more thing that you need to do: subscribe to The Accidental Communicator newsletter! Once you … Read more

How Can You Give A Speech That Works Across Cultures?

Let’s face it, giving a speech is hard work. You decide what message you want to convey to your audience, you write out a speech, you practice it, and then on the big day you summon up your courage and, because you realize the importance of public speaking, you deliver it as best you can. … Read more