What NOT To Say When You Are Giving A Speech

There are some phrases that you’ll want to avoid when giving a speech

Just think about the last time that you sat down to write a speech. The whole world lay out before you. You could include just about anything that you wanted to in your speech in order to share the importance of public speaking with your audience. You were the master of your own destiny. Or … Read more

Bridging Communication Barriers When We Speak

Speakers need to know to connect with people around the world

Just going to the effort of creating and delivering a speech is a big challenge. However, once you start to spend some time thinking about who you’ll be talking to, this challenge can become an even bigger deal. When we realize that just about every audience that we’ll be talking to will contain people from … Read more

What You Can Learn From A Speech Failure

When we fail at speaking, the experience can make us a better speaker

I’d like to be able to tell you that because of the importance of public speaking, every speech that you give will be a big success. The reality is that this is not the case. In fact, some speeches that you end up giving might even be classified as being a failure. What’s a speaker … Read more

Speakers Who Want To Sound Their Best Know To Use Vocal Variety

Vocal variety is what can make a speech truly memorable

What will make your next speech really stick in your audience’s mind? If you have amazing content and stunning visuals, these are all going to help. However, all too often we don’t have new information that will really rock our audience’s world with the importance of public speaking. Yes, what we are going to be … Read more

How Can A Speaker Be Funny Across Cultures?

Being funny is hard, being funny across cultures is really hard

As speakers we all understand just how tricky humor can be to deal with. If we want to make things just a little bit more tricky, we can introduce the challenge of trying to deliver a speech to people who belong to a different culture than we do and all of a sudden the whole … Read more

Speakers Need To Learn How To Use Stories To Connect & Engage Audiences

Stories bring out the emotion in our audiences

The one thing that I think that I can say that everyone will agree with me about is that when we go to the trouble of giving a speech, we want to be remembered. In order to make this happen, what we say has to use the importance of public speaking to connect with our … Read more

Will You Be Ready For Your Next Impromptu Speech?

You need to be ready to speak even when you are caught off guard

Isn’t it great when you have time to prepare to give a speech? At home you can sit down, think about what you want to say, lay it all out on paper and then make changes in order to ensure that your ideas flow smoothly from start to finish. This is all well and good; … Read more

How To Become A Better Presenter

There is both an art and a science to giving good presentations

When we are asked to give a presentation, one of the key questions that runs through our head is “what is the best way to go about doing this”. I wish that I could tell you that there was just one thing that you needed to make sure that you did in order to ensure … Read more

How A Speaker Should Accept An Award

There is a right way and a wrong way to accept an award

We all like to to be recognized for our accomplishments. What this means is that when we have done something that is memorable, people like to give us awards to celebrate our accomplishments. These are fantastic times – in front of our coworkers, peers, and potentially even our family members and friends, we get to … Read more