How To Give A Speech That Will Connect With Your Audience

What do you have to do to make your next speech really work?

Let’s face it – sometimes our speeches just don’t “click” with our audience. We get up there, we deliver our speech, they hear what we have to say, but nobody is moved. Nobody is motivated. We really have not changed the world by giving this speech. We’ve not been able to show this audience the … Read more

How To Impress Your Next Audience

Yes, your audience heard you, but were they impressed?

Let’s face it – you are not the first presenter your audience has ever seen. In fact, they have probably seen lots of other presenters. However, you would like to be able to use the importance of public speaking to become the presenter that your audience remembers. You’d like this to happen if you are … Read more

Are You Ready To Participate In A Debate?

If someone came along and asked you to participate in a debate, what would your response be? I think that for most of us, the idea of what a debate looks like is shaped by the presidential debates that we see every four years. The Clinton / Trump debates especially stand out. However, it turns … Read more

Hey Public Speaker, Do You Want To Debate?

Not all speeches are equal. In fact, some speeches are much more dynamic and aggressive than others. One great example of this is a debate. A debate is a great way to show the importance of public speaking. In a debate, you can prepare for the discussion, but you can’t completely prepare for it. Instead, … Read more

How Boys Can Talk To Girls (And Visa Versa)

Man, as though giving a speech wasn’t hard enough already, then you go ahead and throw that gender thing in there and all of a sudden it gets that much tougher! It can be a challenge when you are asked to talk to an audience made up of members of the opposite gender. How can … Read more