10 Ways To Make You Next Speech Even Better
In order for a speaker to become better, instead of making one big change they need to make a series of smaller changes that will improve their speeches
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
In order for a speaker to become better, instead of making one big change they need to make a series of smaller changes that will improve their speeches
Let’s face it ā you are not the first presenter your audience has ever seen. In fact, they have probably seen lots of other presenters. However, you would like to be able to use the importance of public speaking to become the presenter that your audience remembers. You’d like this to happen if you are … Read more
By now Iām pretty sure that most of us are somewhat comfortable with the concept of giving a speech by ourselves. Yes, it can be a very nerve racking thing to do, but over time we get used to the process of understanding the importance of public speaking and accepting the opportunity, creating a speech, … Read more
I can only speak for myself, but I become a lot more nervous when I am asked to come and speak to a group of young, pre-high school, kids. I’m not quite sure why this is ā perhaps it’s because I don’t believe that they know about importance of public speaking and will be willing … Read more
Interestingly enough, this post has nothing to do with global warming. I really don’t care which side of the “warming / not warming” argument you find yourself on right now. The one thing that I think that we can all agree on is that there is quite a debate going on right now – somebody … Read more