Becoming A Better Speaker Through Improv

Doing improv is one way that speakers can become better

So the question is do you want to become a better public speaker? If the answer to this question is “yes”, then the next question has to be “how?” It turns out that there are a lot of different answers to this question and some of them work, and some don’t. Through trial and error … Read more

What’s The Best Way To Deliver A Roast?

A roast is designed to celebrate the person who is being honored

In the world of public speaking, there are a number of different types of speeches that we can give. One of the most difficult speeches is called the roast. Just in case you’ve never given a roast before, a roast is intended to both honor and gently tease the guest of honor in front of … Read more

Does Storytelling Have A Place In The Business World?

What role can a story play in your next business speech?

Any time that we give a speech, we’d like that speech to be remembered by our audience. In order for that to happen, we need to use the importance of public speaking to make sure that the content of our speech is something that is going to capture the attention of our audience. We all … Read more

How Speakers Can Stop Using Filler Words

Audience’s want a speech without a lot of filler

I bet that your next speech is going to be great! You’ve got an exciting topic, your audience wants to hear what you have to say, and you’ve created a speech that virtually crackles with great content. However, you can still blow this speech and take away from the importance of public speaking. If instead … Read more

Speakers Need To Learn That It’s Really Not About Them

Speakers need to know what their audience really cares about

I’m sorry to have to be the one to share this with you, but when you are giving a speech your audience really does not care about you. Oh yeah, you picked a topic that you thought would appeal to them, you have some experience or expertise in this area that you told the world … Read more

How To Speak To A Global Audience

A global audience is very different from your normal audience

As speakers we understand the importance of public speaking and so we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about what we want to say in our next speech. We’ll worry about what words to use, how we should stand when we are on stage, and the importance of making good eye contact with … Read more

Time, Time, Your Next Speech Is All About Time

You only have a limited amount of time to give your next speech

As we are putting together our next speech, we may get caught up in the moment and the importance of public speaking. We have so many great things that we want to share with our audience that we we keep adding more and more content to our speech in order to make sure that we … Read more

Why Your Business May Need a Staffing Agency

Why Your Business May Need a Staffing Agency

Why Your Business May Need a Staffing Agency Did you know that in September and November 2018 the unemployment rate in the United States dropped to a 49-year low of 3.7%? During and following the 35-day partial government shutdown, it rose to 3.9% in December and 4% in January 2019. With the government shutdown over, … Read more