The Secret To Giving A Great Speech: VBM

In order to give a great speech, everything has to come together for us. We tend to spend a lot of time worrying about many of the easy-to-see details that contribute to the importance of public speaking such as lighting, microphones, etc. However, it turns out that the most important things that relate to giving … Read more

Tips On How To Become A Better Speaker From Marilyn Vos Savant

Awhile back, writer Dave Zielinski got together with Marilyn Vos Savant and had a chat with her about the importance of public speaking and how we can all be more effective at delivering the benefits of public speaking. If you don’t know who Marilyn is, she’s been identified as one of the smartest people in … Read more

Connect With Your Next Audience By Using Cultural References

Every time that we give a speech, we want our audience to enter the speech and to share it with us. We’ll try a lot of different techniques to show the importance of public speaking and to make this happen such as using humor, powerful quotes, and trying very hard to make our speech relevant. … Read more

How A Public Speaker Can Convince Others That They Are Right

You’ve been asked to give a speech on your idea which you just happen to know is the best idea in the whole wide world. The problem that you are facing is that your audience doesn’t know this. When you find yourself in this situation, you are going to have to use your speaking skills … Read more

What Happens To Your Speech When You’re Done Talking?

Creating a speech is hard work. You take the time to understand who you will be talking to, what they want you to talk about, and how long you’ll have to talk. You then craft a fantastic opening line, outline a speech that will allow you to make whatever point you want to make, and … Read more

Eye See What You Are Talking About

I’ve got a quick question for you: what’s the most important thing that speaker can do during a presentation? Give up? The answer is to form a bond with your audience. This will only happen if your audience believes that they really “get you” – that you understand them and that your message has been … Read more