What’s The Best Way To Connect With Your Audience Remotely?
Speakers who find themselves giving virtual presentations need to understand how to give virtual presentations and adapt to this new medium
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
Speakers who find themselves giving virtual presentations need to understand how to give virtual presentations and adapt to this new medium
As a speaker, I must confess that I can get pretty comfortable with the ways that things are. I use PowerPoint, I have an automatic slide advancer, and I know where to get royalty-free images. I have a bad habit of thinking that I know everything that I need to know I order to share … Read more
As speakers, we want to create the best speech that we can. In order to do this we can make use of a large number of tools that are available. However, we first have to know about the tools that we have access to and then we need to know how to go about using … Read more
So just exactly what happens to your heart when you get asked to give a speech? Does it drop down into your shoes? It might not be the actual process of delivering the speech that gets you or your understanding of the importance of public speaking, but rather the idea that you are going to … Read more
Webinars have opened a new door for public speakers. It used to be that in order to reach a group of people with our message and share with them the importance of public speaking, we had to get in our cars and drive (and perhaps fly) to where the audience was. Once there, there was … Read more
When you find yourself giving a speech, you quickly realize that what you are missing is any sort of tools with which to give the speech. If you were a painter, you’d have a canvas, brushes, paints, thinners, etc. with which to make your creation. However, when you are giving a speech it’s just you … Read more
We would all like our next presentation to be our best. However, when we’ve got lots and lots of data to present, we can all too easily overwhelm our audience. What’s a presenter to do? It turns out that the good folks over at IBM have come up with a way to help us out … Read more