Positioning Your Message So People Say Yes

When we speak, we really want to get a yes from our audience

Note: This week’s post has been written by Jeff Tippett. Jeff is an author, owner of a public affairs + communications firm and professional speaker. He’s an expert on persuasive communications. Before we look at some strategies to help you position your message for a favorable response, I encourage you to first look inside yourself. … Read more

Do You Know What Your Speaker Blind Spot Is?

We all have blind spots, we just may not know what they are...

So here’s an interesting question for you: could you drive your car if it didn’t have any mirrors. I’m thinking that the answer would be yes, but boy-o-boy would we all be nervous as we first backed up, and then headed off down the road. We’d have no idea what was behind us or what … Read more

The Stage Is Your Friend

As a speaker, the stage is a tool to give your speech more impact

As speakers, we really don’t have all that many tools that we can work with to show the importance of public speaking when we are delivering a speech to an audience. Sure we have our voice and some body language, but is there anything else that we can use to give some impact to our … Read more

Speakers Who Want To Be Funny Need To Learn How To Twist Their Words

In order to be funny, speakers need to find a way to twist their words

So can we take just a moment and talk about being funny? It sure seems like some speakers have no problem getting their audience to laugh. They take the stage, they open their mouth, and almost instantly everyone is giggling and laughing. Then there are the rest of us. Clearly they understand the importance of … Read more

Speakers Need To Give A Speech, Not Have A Conversation

Caption: Conversations have their place and it's not as a part of a speech

When you stand up in front of an audience to give a speech, something happens to you. You are transformed from just another person who happens to be in the room into the person that everyone is going to be listening to. What’s interesting about this transformation is that it has to have an impact … Read more

The Accidental Communicator Podcast Now Available!

Anchor Logo

Good news! The Accidental Communicator blog is now being supported by a brand new podcast called (what else) “The Accidental Communicator”. This new podcast is available on the Anchor podcasting service (just purchased by Spotify!). If you don’t have time to read the latest The Accidental Communicator updates, then listen to them!   Click here … Read more

How Can Introverts Become Better Speakers?

Introverts can identify their issues and become very good public speakers

So if you had to classify yourself, which camp would you place yourself in: introvert or extravert? If you have placed yourself in the introvert camp, then understanding the importance of public speaking and becoming an effective public speaker is going to be that much harder for you to do. However, the good news is … Read more

How You Can Develop Your Charisma

Charisma is something that we can all develop

Giving a speech can be a pretty lonely event. I mean, there you are up on the stage delivering your presentation and if you are not connecting with your audience then they’ll get bored and their attention will wander. This will leave you standing in front of everyone pretty much all by yourself wondering what … Read more

Three Ways To Use Who You Are To Connect With Your Audience

Knowing who you really are is the key to connecting with an audience

Let’s face it – we don’t give speeches just to hear ourselves talk. There is a reason that we go to the effort of creating a speech, practicing a speech, and then delivering a speech. The reason that we are willing to do all of this work is because we understand the importance of public … Read more

What Is The Message Hidden In Your Stories?

Sure your speech has stories, but what is the message that is hidden in them?

Most speakers understand that if they can work a story or two into their next speech they’ll have a better chance of both capturing and holding onto their audience’s attention. What a lot of us don’t realize is that often times the stories that we are so good at telling all have a common theme … Read more