How To Make Microphones Work With You, Not Against You

Microphones can be a speaker's best friend when used correctly

Not all speakers are equipped with a voice that could be heard in the back of a larger room. Back in the days before electricity, this was a big deal – only the very loud speakers had any chance of keeping the attention of an audience of any size and sharing the importance of public … Read more

A Different Type Of Story Can Capture An Audience

Personal storytelling might be exactly what your next speech needs

Hopefully by now everyone knows that one of the best ways to tap into the importance of public speaking and make your next speech become more interesting to your audience is to include a story in the speech. We’ve got a lot of different stories that we can draw on: fairy tales, folk tales, legends, … Read more

How To Do A Good Job At Being A PA Announcer

PA announcers have a special type of speech to give

So here’s an interesting question for you. How many times have you been at a large event, more often than not outdoors, such as a convention, a sporting event, an inauguration, a grand opening, or any type of civic event? How do you know what is going to be happening soon? How do you know … Read more

1st Art Oil Painting Reproductions

When we are creating a speech, we often sit down and try to come up with ideas for what we want to present to our audience. One of the biggest challenges that we face is getting inspiration. It turns out that one place that we can go to get inspired for our speeches is when … Read more

Why Your Stories Can’t Be All About You

Audiences are growing tired of the "my struggle, your lesson" talk

Congratulations – you’ve been asked to give a speech! As you sit down to use the importance of public speaking to pull this speech together, you decide that what this audience needs is one of your rousing “I overcame a mountain of obstacles” speech. Who doesn’t like that? They will be impressed with how successful … Read more

How To Become A Better Speaker

I’m pretty sure that we’d all like to find ways to become a better speaker. It turns out that this speaking stuff is actually quite hard to do. Sure, we practice creating the best speech that we can, we stand in front of a mirror for hours rehearsing how we’re going to deliver our speech, … Read more

How To Become A Professional Speaker

After you’ve been giving speeches for a while and you understand the importance of public speaking, you may run into someone who tells you that you are really good. In fact, they may say that instead of just speaking for free, you really should go pro. Just like all of those famous professional speakers out … Read more

How Speakers Can Avoid Plagiarism

When you are creating a speech, how do you go about coming up with what you want to say? If you are like most of us, you spend some time looking things up, you might consult a book or two, and then you get busy writing your speech. However, this is where things can start … Read more

What Role Should Slang Play In Your Next Speech?

So when you sit down to put a speech together, what language do you use? I’m not talking about English vs Spanish vs French here. Rather, I’m talking about the use of slang. You know what I’m talking about, slang is a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as … Read more

The Power Of Adding Poetry To A Speech

How did your last speech go? Did your audience hang on your every word? Did they seem eager to hear what you were going to tell them next? Did they seem to be a bit disappointed when your speech was over – they really wanted you to keep on talking? If you are like most … Read more