How Shy People Can Become Good Public Speakers

The trick is to find ways to become comfortable with your audience

Ok, so let’s face it. Not everyone is cut out to be the next Tony Robbins. The thought of launching yourself onto a stage, grabbing the microphone and then delivering a speech is enough to cause many people to shrink away and desperately go looking for something, anything, else to do. However, it turns out … Read more

The Art Of Writing A Speech For Someone Else

The next step in speaking is when you start to write for someone else

Many times when I’m talking with speakers they want to know what the next step is. They have been giving speeches for a while and they believe that they understand the importance of public speaking. They have been getting better at connecting with their audience, and although they may still have room for improvement they … Read more

Use Your Hands To Deliver A Powerful Speech

Wouldn’t it be great if the next time that you took the stage to deliver a speech, you could have somebody else come up there to help you out to communicate the importance of public speaking? This other person would always know what you were trying to say next and they would take action to … Read more

How To Create A Great Speech

You can create a great speech, you just have to know how to do it

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if every speech that we gave was a great speech? I mean we can almost picture our audience standing up once we were done and giving us a standing ovation. That would truly be magic to our ears. Now, this is a great concept, but just exactly how should we go … Read more

How To Prepare For Very Important Speeches

When we have to give a very important speech, we need to prepare well

So let’s all agree on something: not all speeches that we give are the same. Some speeches we give are just being delivered because we promised somebody that we’d get up there and give a speech. However, then there are the other speeches. These are the ones that are very important. It may be our … Read more

Could Yoga Help You To Become A Better Public Speaker?

It turns out that yoga and speaking share a lot in common

I can only speak for myself, but because of the importance of public speaking I’m always looking for ways to become a better public speaker. I’ve taken classes, read books, and talked with experts. However, one thing that I had never thought to look into was how an exercise program could impact how I talked. … Read more

How To Stretch The Truth In A Speech

When a speaker has to exaggerate, they need to do it correctly

As speakers we are expected to be able to use the importance of public speaking and deliver information to our audience. They have come to listen to us and, with a little bit of luck, learn something new that they can put to work in their lives. What this means for us is that we … Read more

Speakers Learn The Secret To Talking About Themselves

It turns out that your story is really about the people who have made you you

Let’s face it – the most interesting story that you have to tell is the one that you tell about yourself. At some point in time during your speaking career, you will undoubtedly be asked to give a speech about yourself. Now the good news here is that you are not going to have to … Read more

The Challenges Of Speaking To Global Audiences

Speakers need to be careful about how they interact with global audiences

Speakers who will be speaking globally need to take the time to research how people greet and address each other in the country in which they will be speaking