So How Can You Become A Better Public Speaker?

Congratulations on realizing the importance of public speaking and being a public speaker. No matter if you’ve only ever spoken in public once or if you’ve done it a 100 times, we can all become better. Every time that we give a speech, right after we are done we realize that there were things that … Read more

How to Be a Convincing Debater

Arguments have played a vital role in shaping societies. In fact, we could have never progressed without challenging dominant viewpoints and changing the way others see the world. Argumentation is an art, but it is one that requires a great deal of time to master. After all, having the ability to persuade and influence people … Read more

What’s Your Passion Speaker?

There are leaders, and then there are inspiring leaders. Leaders do an ok job of telling people to do what they need them to do, Inspiring leaders make people want to do what they tell them about. There is a very big difference. Inspiring leaders very clearly are completely passionate about what they are talking … Read more

Custom Comedy Is How A Speaker Makes An Audience Laugh

I don’t think that any of us would disagree with the statement that “humor lends power to any speech.” If we want to make an audience laugh, it’s going to take three different things all working together so that our audience can realize the importance of public speaking. The first is, of course, us – … Read more

Capture Your Audience By Using A Bit Of Mystery In Your Next Speech

The one thing that every speaker wants is for their next audience to pay attention to their speech. I mean really pay attention. Pay attention so much so that even if their phone stated to ring or vibrate or do both things they wouldn’t even notice because you had so thoroughly captured their attention that … Read more

The Key To Delivering A Great Presentation Is Flexibility

The ability to look into the future, even if it was only for a few minutes, sure would be a nice talent to have. Unfortunately, I can’t do it and I’d be willing to bet that you can’t do it either. What this means for both of us is that when we are preparing to … Read more

How To Win An Audience Over To Your Side

Think for a moment about the last time that you gave a speech. When you first started your speech, was your audience on your side? Did they share your view of the world? Or, more likely, did you have some supporters but most of the people in your audience were adopting a “wait and see” … Read more

How To Be A Successful Presenter

Let’s face it, making a presentation is a lot of effort. When we agree to make a presentation just exactly what are we signing up for? We understand the importance of public speaking and so we’ll spend one, two, four, twelve hours on speech research, creation, and practice not to mention the effort of actually … Read more

How To Run A Meeting That Has Speakers

In all of the time and effort that we put into creating and preparing to present a speech, all too often we don’t spend enough time thinking about the one key feature that may have a very big impact on how our speech goes: the quality of the meeting that we’ll be speaking at. It … Read more