Business Speaking: What To Do, What Not To Do

Giving a speech in a business environment, specifically to a group of senior managers, can be one of the most difficult speeches that any of us will ever be called on to give. However, even this type of speech can be done smoothly and will allow you to be seen as an effective communicator if … Read more

Getting To Great – How Great Speakers Are Made

I’m pretty sure that it would be safe to say that we’d all like to become better public speakers. The challenge that we face is that nobody is just exactly sure how to make this happen. I’d like to be able to tell you that because of the importance of public speaking, it’s easy to … Read more

Public Speakers Want To Know: Are Handouts Your Friend Or Foe?

How much information is there going to be in your next speech? Most of the speeches that we give are full of great information that our audiences would like to remember and follow-up on — your audience understands the importance of public speaking and that’s why they are there. That’s where the problem shows up: … Read more

Starting A Speech Off On The Right Foot

When it comes time to give a speech, since we are aware of the importance of public speaking we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about how we want things to end up. It turns out that although this is important, perhaps what we really should be doing is spending more time worrying … Read more

How to Rehearse Your Speech Effectively

Note: This article has been provided by Jonathan Li. Jonathan is a School Presentation Coach who helps college and university students overcome fear, transform presentation skills and launch their dream career. For more information, go to To give a great speech, it’s important to rehearse well. In the next few minutes, you will learn … Read more

Too Shy, Shy – How To Overcome Your Shyness An Become A Public Speaker

When we take a look at all of the things that can hold us back from becoming the great speaker that we want to be, what always seems to be at the top of the list? More often than not, it’s a fear of public speaking. There can be many reasons for this fear, but … Read more

What Can Make A Public Speaker Nervous?

As speakers we all know that just before we get ready to stand before an audience we can become very nervous. This just seems to be a part of life despite the importance of public speaking. However, here’s the big question – why do we become so nervous all of the time and what can … Read more

Limited Time Means Faster Speech Creation Skills Are Needed

How long did it take you to create the last speech that you gave? No, I’m not talking about the time that you spent rehearsing, just the time that you spent figuring out what you were going to say and how you were going to say it. Hmm, now I’ve got a question for you: … Read more