Using The Power Of Originality To Create A Powerful Speech

A creative delivery and original content can make your next speech stand out

A creative delivery and original content can make your next speech stand outImage Credit: jonjomckay If there is one thing that every speaker wants from their next speech, it is for it to mean something so that our audience can realize the importance of public speaking. The way that we determine if one of our … Read more

Know What To Say When The Spotlight Is On You

When it's your turn, you need to be ready to speak

Who doesn’t like winning an award? We all do. When we receive an award, it’s because we did something special or we have done something better than anyone else has. These are great moments for us. When we get an award, we are often asked to stand up and say a few words. Oh, oh … Read more

Create Better Speeches By Becoming A Better Speech Editor

Get more out of your next speech by cutting more of it out

I can only speak for myself, but I can tell you that every word that I write when I’m putting together a speech is pure perfection. The words just flow together and create a seamless whole. The very idea of going back and editing one of my speeches after it has been written just seems … Read more

How To Support A Speaker

You can make a difference when someone else speaks

As speakers, we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the importance of public speaking and how we speak. We try to find ways to connect with our audience and we try to be aware of anything that we are doing that might take away from our speech. However, it turns out that … Read more

Make Your Next Speech Better With A Single Sentence

Take the time to think about what you really want to say

As speakers, we all know that creating a great speech is hard work. All too often we can sit down to start to create a speech and have no clear idea where we are trying to go or just exactly what points we want to be making while we deliver our speech despite our understanding … Read more

Invite Some Technology To Your Next Speech

Speakers have access to tools that can make them a better speaker

How lucky we all are. We get to live in these modern times with all of the advantages that technology can bring to us. Yes, giving a speech is still a difficult thing for any of us to do. However, it turns out that if we’re willing to invite some technology to our next speech … Read more

Using Modern Audience Interaction Tools In Your Next Speech

Speakers need to find ways to get instant feedback from their audience

All to often when we are giving a speech, we do it in what is called the “classic style”. This means that we stand on a stage and we speak to our audience and they listen to us because of the importance of public speaking. This is a one-directional monologue. However, times are changing. We … Read more

All The World’s A Stage – Are You Using Yours?

Your stage is a big visual aid just waiting to be used

As speakers, when we are standing in front of an audience, we are actually pretty naked. All that we have to work with when we are giving our speech are the words that are tumbling out of our mouths, some hand gestures, and perhaps some props that we’ve brought along. That’s pretty much it as … Read more