Learn To Talk Like A TED Talker

In the world of speakers, we are always looking for role models who understand the importance of public speaking and that will show us how this whole speaking thing is supposed to be done. Sure, there are the Tony Robbins of the world, but most of us don’t think that we’ll ever be able to … Read more

What Do You Need To Know Before You Give A Presentation?

Congratulations! You understand the importance of public speaking and so you’ve been asked to give a speech. Oh, wait. Just exactly what are you going to be talking about? Who will you be talking to? Where is all of this going to be taking place? Clearly there are a number of different questions that you … Read more

How A Speaker Can Stop Interruptions While They Are Speaking

It’s tough work giving a speech. The one thing that we really don’t want to have happen when we are delivering our speech is to be interrupted. However, when we are giving a speech in a small setting or perhaps when we are giving an informal speech, there is the very real possibility that we … Read more

3 Tips For Delivering A Winning Presentation

Every time that we deliver a presentation, because we understand the importance of public speaking, we want it to go well. We do our best to get ready, to deliver the speech, and then we sit back with our fingers crossed hoping that we were able to connect with our audience. The good news is … Read more

Secrets To Successful Presentations

Every time that we agree to give a speech, we really want it to go well because we understand the importance of public speaking. However, this does not always happen. What this means for us as speakers is that we should all be searching for a way to make this business of giving speeches run … Read more

Using A Systems Approach To Create Presentations

So just exactly how do you go about creating a presentation when you’ve been asked to give a speech? All too often we forget about the importance of public speaking and go about creating presentations in a haphazard manner that is more hit-or-miss than planned. The results generally show that this is what we did. … Read more

Tips For Making An Impact With Your Next Speech

Every speech that we give comes with its own set of goals. Sometimes we’re trying to convince an audience of something, sometimes we want to make them laugh, perhaps we just want to tell a great story and have them share it with us. No matter what your specific goal for a speech is, every … Read more

Conquering Your Fear Of Public Speaking

If you want to really know what fear is, then agree to give a speech! For some reason, the thought of standing in front of a group of people that we probably don’t know and sharing with them some information that we have can cause even the most courageous of us to feel weak in … Read more

How To Break The Grip Of The Fear Of Public Speaking

Let’s face it, there are an awful lot of things that we’d all rather be doing than standing up in front of a group of people trying to give a speech. Just thinking about the importance of public speaking and doing this can cause our mouths to go dry, our hand to become clammy, and … Read more

Reasons That Speakers Have Stage Fright

When somebody has been speaking for a while and has mastered the importance of public speaking, it can be hard for them to remember what it was like when they were first starting out. The early days had a lot of challenges in them and one of the biggest was stage fright. The fear of … Read more