What Is The Key To Connecting With Your Audience?

When we want to get our message across to one of our friends, how do we make this happen? That’s a simple question to answer: we have a conversation with them. Conversations are simple, natural things for all of us to have and they allow us to convey the importance of public speaking. However, for … Read more

How To Create A Motivational Speech

As public speakers we get asked to give all different types of speeches. One of the most commonly requested types of speeches is the motivational speech. This is a speech that is designed to make a very specific impact on your audience: you want to leave them feeling better about themselves – clearly this has … Read more

Motivate Your Audience By Building Trust With Them

Often when we are giving a speech we are trying to convince our audience to take some action after they hear us speak. This is what the importance of public speaking is all about. We can do a great job of creating our speech, we can craft a powerful opening, and yet we may end … Read more

Why Introverts Make Great Public Speakers

If you were to list out the characteristics that most of us believe that a really good speaker must have in order to communicate the importance of public speaking, what would be on your list? I can only speak for myself, but I believe that I would have on my list that they would need … Read more

Learn To Speak Like Your Audience

You can attend all of the fancy speaking classes that you want, but there is a very good chance that they are not going to teach you what you really need to know. The reason that they won’t is because despite the importance of public speaking, they don’t know what you are really looking for. … Read more

How Public Speakers Can Minimize Their Accent

I just happen to speak English. I’d like to be able to tell you that I speak it very well; however, that’s really up to other people to decide. What I can tell you is that it is the only language that I speak fluently and it’s the language that I’ve always spoken. This provides … Read more

All The World’s A Stage – You Just Have To Know How To Use It

When we give a speech we may not always be on a stage. However, we always have a space that has been given to us to use as our own during the speech. All too often we see speakers doing things that they should not be doing – pacing, circling, hanging out in one corner … Read more

From The Mouths Of Babes…

As public speakers who have been doing this for awhile, it can be easy to get lost in the details. We spend our time trying to work more humor into our speeches as we create them, we carefully study our body language in order to determine what we’ll telling our audience, and we practice making … Read more