Good Speakers Know How To Work A Room

Speakers who want to be successful know that they have to connect with their audience. How to do this is the ultimate question that we’ve struggled with for years. I’m not claiming that I have all of the answers, but when I recently gave a keynote speech I had a chance to practice my “working … Read more

Read A Good Book Lately? How About “Everyone Communicates Few Connect”

So I’m not sure if there is really any big payoff for taking the time to write about how to become a better speaker; however, if there is, then it’s in getting the opportunity to review new books. Oh, andI get the books for freewith no obligation to give a good review – how cool … Read more

The 100 Hour Secret To Creating Speeches Everyone Will Want To Hear

Have you ever gone to hear someone speak and just been blown away by what they had to say? I mean their words just seemed to flow out of them and the stories that they told were right on the mark – a perfect complement to the point that they were trying to make? It … Read more

Mastering The PowerPoint Beast In 3 Easy Steps

Can we all be honest here? PowerPoint is a part of everyone’s life no matter how you feel about it. We all seem to fall into one of three camps: we fear it, we love it too much, or we just don’t really know what to do with it. With a little help, I think … Read more

Speech Writing Success: How To Make It Happen

So there you are: you’ve agreed to give a speech and now your mind has gone completely blank when you’ve tried to start to figure out what you’ll say. Where did your energy go? Perhaps more importantly, how are you going to get it back and create a great speech? It’s All About Your Goals … Read more

Big Game Hunting: How Public Speakers Capture An Audience’s Attention

In the world of big game hunting, the goal always seems to be to try to hunt something bigger and more deadly than you did last time. The world of public speaking isn’t all that much different except that we go looking for the biggest game of all: an audience’s attention. Do The Unexpected Face … Read more

When Disaster Strikes: 3 Ways To Avoid A Crash While Speaking

Welcome to the real world – things happen. Specially, things happen while you are delivering a speech. Bad things, things that can really screw up your speech. Fire alarms go off, the power fails, a projector bulb quits, your laptop decides to eat itself, etc. What’s a speaker to do? You Need To Have A … Read more

Not Funny: What’s A Speaker To Do About Unacceptable Humor?

Humor, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Well, maybe not – simply because although I do like using humor in a speech; however, it’s a tricky beast and it can turn on you at any moment. Just how is a speaker supposed to determine when some form of humor is inappropriate … Read more