How Do You Ask Questions?

One of the most powerful tools that a public speaker has is the question. Sure, despite the importance of public speaking our speeches are pretty much one sided affairs – we get up in front of an audience and we talk and they listen. However, when you incorporate a question into your speech all of … Read more

How To Become A Good Liar

When we think about what it takes to be an accomplished public speaker, often times we picture ourselves as being a pillar of the community as we share with our audience the importance of public speaking. We have valuable information that we’d like to share with a group of people who are eager to hear … Read more

When Starting A Speech, It’s All About Nesting

During what part of your speech do you have the most power? A lot of speakers would say that it’s the last few minutes of their speech because if they’ve done their job then thanks to the importance of public speaking they now have the audience’s attention and what they say will be remembered after … Read more

Using Improv To Speak Off The Cuff

If I was to ask you how you prepare for a speech, what would you tell me? I suspect that you’d say that you realize the,importance of public speaking and so you sit down, consider why you’ve been asked to speak on and try to understand the event that you’ll be speaking at. You might … Read more

Are You Ready To Participate In A Debate?

If someone came along and asked you to participate in a debate, what would your response be? I think that for most of us, the idea of what a debate looks like is shaped by the presidential debates that we see every four years. The Clinton / Trump debates especially stand out. However, it turns … Read more

The Art Of Correctly Researching A Speech

When you are creating a speech, where does your content come from? I’ll go along with the thought that a lot of it comes from you – your views on the world, your experiences, your hopes and dreams. However, what about all of the other stuff? The parts of your speech that support all of … Read more

Add Some Variety To Your Next Speech

When we give a speech, we have a real challenge on our hands. We understand the importance of public speaking and we want to be able to keep our audience’s attention for the entire speech. However, listening to any one person talk for any length of time can become boring. How are you going to … Read more

How Speakers Can Handle Getting Feedback

When we give a speech we understand the importance of public speaking and so we spend time writing a speech that we think that our audience will enjoy hearing. We (hopefully) spend time practicing what we will be saying and then when the big day arrives, we get up in front of our audience and … Read more

What You Need To Know About Giving A Speech In English

I speak in English. Unfortunately, the only language that I can effectively speak in is English. I have a number of friends whose first language is not English, but who do a very good job of both speaking in English and giving speeches in English in order to show the importance of public speaking. It … Read more

How Speakers Can Increase Their Vocabulary

Public speaking is actually pretty simple. What we do is we stand up in front of a group of people and then we use words to communicate thoughts and ideas with them – that’s what the importance of public speaking is all about. Note that I just told you how we do this – we … Read more